How to buy a Hero
Before making crypto-related transactions, you need to understand how it works on exchanges and digital wallets. We cannot support your mistakes in the processes.
To buy heroes on the marketplace, you have to swap BNB into WBNB using the Metamask wallet.

Please follow these steps to swap your coins into THC.
1. Please copy the THC Contact Address: 0x24802247bd157d771b7effa205237d8e9269ba8a
2. Please go to the Pancake Swap website
3. Paste the contact address in the “Select a Token”.
4. Connect your wallet and fill out the amount you want to convert.
Choose your desired heroes on the Marketplace for details. Then, click BUY NOW.

Confirm the transaction to proceed

When the transaction is done, you will receive a notification

Back to the inventory to check out your new NFT item - the Heroes.