Should I File a Bug Report?

Our dedicated developers are continuously working to enhance your gaming experience by addressing in-game issues, with many fixes integrated into application updates. Before you proceed to submit a bug report, kindly ensure that you are running the most recent version of Thetan Rivals on a supported device. If you're utilizing an outdated version, we recommend updating the application first and assessing whether the issue persists.

What Should I Include in My Bug Report?

Our tireless testing teams are committed to eliminating bugs, and your assistance can be invaluable in this process. When submitting a bug report, please provide the following details to empower us to assist you more effectively:

  • A detailed description of what occurred that differed from your expectations.
  • If available, provide the steps to reproduce the issue. Include information about the last action you performed or button you pressed before encountering the bug.
  • If possible, attach screenshots or videos showcasing the issue.
  • Any error messages you received during the occurrence of the bug.

Your comprehensive bug report ensures that we can swiftly address and resolve the issue, contributing to an improved gaming experience for all Thetan Rivals players. Thank you for your collaboration in making our game even better!

Warm Regard!