What are Daily Tasks?
- Answer: Daily Tasks are a group of tasks that you can complete every day. Each task can only be completed once per day.
How often are Daily Tasks reset?
- Answer: Daily Tasks are automatically reset every 24 hours, following a cooldown period. This reset is based on UTC+0 time (or server time).
What happens to the progress of an uncompleted Daily Task after the reset?
- Answer: If a Daily Task has not been completed, all progress for that task is reset, and you'll need to start from scratch.
What happens to completed Daily Tasks?
- Answer: Once you complete a Daily Task and claim the reward, the same type of task will reappear and start accumulating progress again after a 24-hour period.
What about Daily Tasks with claimed rewards in the last 24 hours?
- Answer: Daily Tasks that have had their rewards claimed within the last 24 hours will be hidden from the user interface.
What are General Tasks?
- Answer: General Tasks are a group of tasks that are not limited to daily completion. Each user can complete them once.
Do General Tasks have a reset period?
- Answer: General Tasks do not have an automatic reset period. Once you complete a General Task, it will be hidden from the list after claiming the reward.
8. Is there a time limit for claiming rewards for General Tasks?
- Answer: General Tasks do not have a time limit for claiming rewards. If you have completed a General Task and have not claimed the reward, it will always appear at the top of the task list until you claim it.